Friday, October 30, 2015

I Don't Know How You Do It!

Hey y'all! 

Yesterday we had a really great day in Longview. After we did our school, we went to run some errands and visit my dad and nanny. I have realllly been wanting to make a trip to McAlister's, so it was a must for a late lunch. Kids needed pajamas and I wanted to try and find me some maternity jeans. (Halloween is right around the corner and I need "candy room" lol) 

While I was checking out at the store, the lady behind me was smiling and shaking her head. She told me she only had three and didn't know how I did it. (Ha! If she only knew!) I laughed and told her that I lost my sanity a long time ago. Honestly, I was just thinking about that chocolate shake I was going to get from Chick-fil-A as soon as we left there. That'll boost your mood real quick like. 

The question I get asked a WHOLE LOT is "how do you do it?"

I try my best, but sometimes, I'm JUST TIRED. Making a human can be exhausting!

Sometimes I have to decide whether I want to be Crazy Mom and make the kids clean everything they have messed up or just enjoy the day and clean later. 

Sometimes the filth wins. Ok, a lot of the time. 

Sometimes my house looks like somebody broke in and dumped everything we own into the living room floor, pulled every article of clothing out and threw it in the dirty clothes basket (or just directly onto the floor), and smeared ketchup on every single dish and sat them out for display on the counters.  

Sometimes one of your kids takes their boots off and you discover that they're only wearing one sock because you're behind on laundry, their sock drawer is empty, and they couldn't find a mate and just went with it. 

Sometimes you take the sweetest picture of your sleeping babies and then you realize that OF COURSE there's no sheet on the bed because somebody got peanut butter & jelly on them and they're still in the washing machine. (Tip: Just edit that picture to black and white. Winning!)

Sometimes there's no clean sippy cups, so you just let Baby have some of your Coke. (It's cool, it's diet, right?)

Sometimes you lose track of time and Captain Crunch makes for a pretty good supper. 

Sometimes you smell some funky smells in your house and you just add some fresh wax to your Scentsy warmer and call that a start to "cleaning". 

Sometimes one of your daughters gets awfully pouty because those black leggings she needs for church are MIA and she has to wear whatever is clean. (Please tell me there is at least something hanging in your closet!)

Sometimes you look like death warmed over because Baby got into your makeup (again) and you have looked and looked and can't find where she stashed it anywhere! And, where did she put the hairbrush?!

Sadly, this is the way it is sometimes. 

For now. 


I hope. 

Lord, PLEASE let this just be a phase!!!

Remember when your house used to always be clean, you had on a bra and real clothes, and company could pop in at any given moment? ::sigh:: Those were the good old days. 

But actually, my house is FINALLY clean (for now) and it kind of makes me feel like I'm doing a better job. 
Hey, maybe I really do have it all together. 


Yeah right. 

Don't measure your success as a mom and wife by how well you "have it together". Just do the best you can do, love your husband, love those babies, love yourself and you'll be just fine. I promise. 

❤️ Jenn


Monday, October 26, 2015

My 6 Pack!

Hey y'all! I want to share some fabulous news with y'all! 

Almost two months ago, I found out that we were expecting baby #6! 

What?! Six kids! That's a half dozen!

It was such a surprise! I had already decided we were done and happy with our fab five. I say "I" because Mr. Crawley just goes with the flow and is happy with whatever I am happy with. (Thank you for always being that way, Caleb; I truly love that about you.) 

But of course I wanted another. I ALWAYS want another! Not just a baby, though, but another person to add to our family. The more the merrier! 

A whole team of kids isn't for everybody, but it is just right for us! Being a wife to Caleb and a mom to the RCC Gang is who I am. That is how I identify myself. Wife and momma. So, what's one more baby?! Hand it over! I got this. Raising kids, cooking and cleaning. I enjoy it! Not so much the cleaning part, but just being a homemaker and taking care of my crew. THAT is what I love to do! 

I know people think we are crazy. I get it. And we are! Six is a lot. Five was a lot, and so was 4. This is all I have ever wanted and I couldn't be happier to have a huge family. Some moms and dads choose to have 1 or 2. That's cool, that's their prerogative. Then some people have more. That's cool, too. To each their own, right? 

All I can say is that I am beyond blessed and I'm ecstatic to have another precious baby. Some days are hard, but there were hard days when I had only one kid. Heck, there were hard days when I didn't have any kids! 'Tis life. 

Our family rocks and we have a whole lot of fun! It's crazy and chaotic and messy and loud, but it's US! It's OUR family. That's how we do. 

And besides, more kids means they can work as a team and put their funds together to put Momma and Daddy in a nice nursing home one day. So who's the real winners here?! LOL!

XO❤️, Jenn, that crazy lady with all those kids