Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Laundry Detergent Recipe, Take 2!

Y'all! I had a WHOLE post typed up this morning and I deleted it. Grrrr! Second time's the charm. Here we go!

Last night the RCC Gang and I made a new batch of laundry detergent. I have made it a few other times and I have been extremely pleased with the outcome each time. The recipe I used this time is one I got from Amberly Houser at Hurricane Houser blog. 

Here is the recipe!

*1 box of Borax
*1 box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
*2 cups of baking soda
*3 bars of Fels Naptha (my store was out so I got Zote)
*5 pounds of Oxi Clean (you can use a generic to save more money)
*3 13.2oz bottles of Downy Unstobbales in-wash scent booster (I got a huge 36.2oz bottle at Sam's for $14.62) (you can use Gain or Purex too - the RCC Gang voted on the blue Downy. Majority rules. This time.)

Note: I used more Downy than required and my laundry still didn't have as much scent as I like. Next time I will just add some to each load to ensure enough gets in there. We like our clothes to smell goooood!

Gather your supplies. You will need a large container to store the detergent in. (I got a large glass cookie jar at Walmart a few years ago for around 10 bucks.)
A food processor, a knife, 2 trash bags, and if you have little helpers like mine, a referee shirt and a whistle. Possibly a Billy club if it gets out of control. 

Cut the bars of soap into small chunks and place into food processor with a scoop of Oxi so that your blades won't gunk up and get sticky. (Great tip, Amberly!) You will need to do a little a time to be sure it gets thoroughly ground. I have used my cheese grater before, but you could end up with undissolved chunks on your laundry. You want it to be ground into a fine powder. 

Already looks like Tide, huh?

After you have processed each small batch, dump it into a trash bag that is doubled with another trash bag incase one gets a hole in it. After all the bars of soap are chopped, dump in the remaining ingredients. Tightly hold the opening of the bags closed and roll it around on the carpet, gently. You do not want to have to clean up that mess! Once it is all combined, dump it into the jar you have chosen. (Yes, I still used the trash bags after I was done. No need to waste. Save that money, y'all!)  It only takes a small (2 tablespoon) scoop for each load. I used an old scoop I had, but there is a silver 2T coffee scoop at Walmart in the kitchen utensil aisle for a buck or two. 

Not including the optional Downy, I spent $21. This batch will last months and months. Possibly all year. And I do A LOT of laundry, y'all. I had gotten into the habit of buying a small ($5) bag of Tide Pods and a bottle of Downy ($4) each week instead of buying in bulk. I was spending around $30 for a one month supply. 

People have asked me before if it really works as well as I say it does. Well, have y'all SEEN my family?! These cats get dirty. Not just regular dirty. I'm talkin' super extreme country folk DIRTY. Their clothes always come out clean and fresh. I'd say it cleans just as well as, if not better, than Tide Pods. For tough stains I still spray on some Spray and Wash or something, just to be safe. 

So, for $21, you can make a HUGE batch of unscented detergent and just buy the in-wash scent boosters or fabric softener of your choice and save quite a bit of money. And with all that dinero you'll be saving, make a quick trip through the jewelry section and getcha a new pair of earrings or a cute necklace next time you hit the grocery store. You deserve it for all that laundry you've been doing! 

I hope y'all enjoy the recipe! 

❤️ Jenn

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