What if I told you I actually ENJOY being in the kitchen and preparing meals for my family instead of just popping a frozen dinner in the oven?
What if I told you that I LIKE waiting on my husband hand and foot and don't mind fixing his plate and refilling his glass of tea for the third time?
What if I told you that when you see me with all my kids at the store that I have them there with me because I CHOOSE to bring them and I enjoy taking them almost everywhere I go.
What if I told you that I LOVE when my kids ask me for another book at bedtime and I don't huff and roll my eyes because I'm dying to get to the couch to watch TV?
What if I told you that I don't take my kids to public school or daycare because I don't feel like I need a break from them and that I look forward to spending all the time with them that I can?
What if I told you that I'm content and happy with sitting home doing dishes, laundry, preparing meals for my family and that trips to town and Sunday mornings are the "big events" of my week?
I don't feel like I am a servant for taking care of my family and putting their needs before my own. That's what makes ME feel like a good wife and momma.
Now what if YOU told me that you don't like doing any of those things?
Does that give me the privilege of thinking I'm better at this mom thing than you? Nope. I've got truck loads of issues!
Does that give you the right to assume I'm faking my smiles and happy social media posts? Nope. You can believe it!
Some of us REALLY are happy doing what we do!
Those happy pictures I post, I don't "do it for the likes" or attention. I truly am happy and I want to share it with the world! I'm sorry if that isn't what you want to hear and it's not what you expected.
Why is it easy to believe the bad but to be so skeptical of the good?
Just because I don't go on Facebook and tell the world that I've got $1.07 left in the checking account until payday and that I just yelled at my kids for fighting for the 67,456 time while I typed this post, doesn't mean I'm being phony.
I cuss. I yell. I cry. I embarrass myself. Some days are tremendously hard on me. Those lows are only a drop in the bucket. My joy is never-ending.
Just because my husband and I get into a huge fight and I don't broadcast it and document it on Instagram doesn't mean I'm hiding my real life.
As much as I love to share, I still deserve to keep certain aspects of my life where they belong - private.
Is that what is considered fake, not airing your entire life? Then you can call me fake.
People will judge and believe what they want. And that's ok!
Does it hurt my feelings that you think I must be pretending to be someone else if I'm not sharing all the negative events in my life with the world?
So, if having to tell yourself that I've got plenty of things to hide and that's not the real me makes YOU feel like you're doing better, go right on ahead.
That's your problem, not mine.
❤️ Jenn, a mega blessed and happy girl who has tons of struggles and still finds lots of reasons to show a REAL smile
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