Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sticky Floors and Happy Kids

Today I was sitting in my office at my desk, and when I say office, I mean my laundry room, and when I say desk, I mean the toilet. Yes, there's a toilet in the laundry room (old house, strange things) and I sit on it (lid closed...most of the time) just like its a chair. I was in there doing my 67th load of laundry for the week, when I came across a t-shirt my Nanny had made for me a couple of Mother's Days ago. 

It says "Good moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles and happy kids." 

I sure hope that saying is true because I am drowning in the mess that is our home. 

Over the past week and a half I've had 3 sick babies and then I got sick as well. Yeah, moms don't get sick days. MOMS DO NOT GET SICK DAYS. A mom's sick day is when they lay on the couch in agony and hear their house being destroyed all around them, all the while still having to open the drinks and be a referee and prepare the meals.

A house of seven people goes downhill REAL quick. Like, it's crazy. Now when the mom is feeling puny, whew, that's a new kind of downhill. 

So, I think to myself as I am still cleaning up the aftermath of Sickfest 3000, man, I am living in a whole 'nother level of wild right now. How do these kids make THIS MUCH mess?! Seriously!! The stickers, the crumbs, the wrappers, the crushed cheese balls, it's insane! 

Have you saw this pin on Pinterest?

Do you agree that this is true? I do!

Every few months there's a new food I swear I'll never buy again because of the damage it causes. Over the summer it was those popsicles that come in a box that aren't prefrozen. Let one of those melt in your counter will all your bills, mail and checkbook, it'll be a while before you put those babies back on your shopping list. 

Currently, my list will not have Pop Tarts or Baby Bel cheese on it. Pop Tarts crumble and scatter as soon as that foil package is ripped open. I'm taking a break from those suckers. And the cheese; have you ever bought that kind? It's a great, healthy snack for the kids, but it has this red wax protection on it that is insanely hard to get out of carpet once it's mushed into it. No more of that devil cheese for a while. I need time to recover from the trauma. 

Now my house is about 80% back to normal, well as normal as it gets, and everyone is on the mend. My kids did most of the work and did their fair shares of getting the house back to livable conditions. 

Everyone is clean and tucked in their beds. Stories were read and bellies are full. 

Even though I thought we would have to burn the house down and start over, it always gets better. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Mommas, it's ok if the house gets a little (or a lot) messy, there'll be time for that. That's not our number one priority as women. Take care of your family and take care of YOU. A spotless home isn't what makes a girl a good momma. Happy kids - that is what makes you a good momma! 

I love a clean home just like everyone else, but it's always going to get messed back up. That means people live there and they actually LIVE! Your home isn't a museum, it's a safe place for your people to be themselves. My people happen to be a little sloppy. 

So just enjoy, don't worry, live and let it go. Let that sink of dishwater get cold. Those clothes can sit in the washer for a bit. You can get to that later. Read to the babies, play Legos, listen to the stories they tell. That mess will still be there tomorrow. I promise. 

❤️ Jenn

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