Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Moccasins and Makin' Stuff

Good morning! Or good day! I guess it depends on what time you're reading this. 

Let me talk about something tragic. Something horrible. I'm talking about losing just one of a little baby's shoes. It's one of the worst things that could ever happen, am I right?! Ugh! THAT makes me crazy. I bought Rem some little fringe moccasin boots and one got lost. Well what am I supposed to do with the remaining shoe?! I can't throw it away because I'm scared it'll turn up eventually. Those are the shoes that she wears with errything and we are all matchy matchy! So, I had to order another pair! And it was like finding a needle in a haystack. They were sold out of her size everywhere. I hate having to buy something I already bought, ya know? I finally found a pair and they're on the way. Whew. She's back in the moccasin club with us. Hallelujah! 

While I was searching online for her some more mocs, I came across The Children's Place. I usually buy a lot of my crew's clothes there because, duh, they have cute and super cheap stuff! I have a lot of bodies to dress around here (not that they're actually ever dressed though), so y'all know I love some good deals. Last night I got 18 shirts for my kidlets. Eighteen! You know how much my total was? Go on and guess, I'll wait. It was $75!!! Can you believe that?! Party up in here! My original total was $93, but of course I googled 'the children's place coupon code' and got an extra 20% off. This is the code I used BIGHEROSWEEP20. It's good until December, I think. So go getcha babies some new clothes, you know they need some. 

Last night after taking Rylie to dance, we stopped by my in-laws' and ate supper. It's always good. Real good. Like always. My mother-in-law made chicken and dressing. She had the cranberry sauce and everything. It was like a little Thanksgiving dinner. I get so pumped up about the holidays and that meal made me even more pumped up! When I was growing up, there usually wasn't many people at our house on the holidays because we have a small family. (This is a little sad/dumb, y'all) I remember seeing TONS of cars at my neighbor's house and there was so many people. I wanted to know what was going on in that house and what they were doing. I remember thinking to myself, when I grow up, I want a lot of people at my house on holidays. I didn't think about how many kids I would have, I just knew I wanted a family. Preferably a crowded one. Jackpot! Caleb gave it to me! His family is pretty large. His daddy has 9 brothers and sisters and had 5 of his own and they all have a couple of kids each. And my side of the family has a few kids, so my kids have lots (a whoooole lot) of cousins. Obviously I want to get a present for everybody! But I can't. Insert Bridesmaids meme here. "Help me, I'm poor." Have you still not saw that movie? You need to. What I plan on doing this year is making some homemade gifts. I actually PLAN on it every year. I never actually act on it. (Professional Procraftinator) Time gets away from me and the next thing I know we are all gathered around eating turkey and it's too late. Not this year! I'm on it! I created a Pinterest board with ideas for some of the things I want to make. Send me some good pins if you some across any. [Y'all, when Pinterest starts paying me for all the times I mention them, I'm going to be so rich. I'm probably going to need somebody to split my millions with, so stick around. I can't wait.] I'm leaning towards frames and pillows. All of my sisters-in-law like western, so I'm going to go with that. Along with their homemade gift, I want to bake them something, so I bought some pretty baker's twine. I REAL excited about that! I can't wait to make some cute stuff! Now if these kids would quit expecting 3 meals a day and clean clothes, I could probably get some crafts done. Geesh! They're so spoiled. ;) 

can't start any crafts just yet, because today is 'I Have Got To Clean This House Before That Sweet Lady From Church Stops By With Those Cookies She Said She Was Going To Bake Us And Accidentally Sees How Filthy My House Is So I Better Clean It Day'. Oh, y'all don't have those days? You're missing out. 

❤️ Jennifer 

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