Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween Weekend Wrap Up

Good morning! 

We had a wonderful Halloween and now we all have mouths full of cavities and I go into a Reese's coma on the daily. Well, the cavities part isn't true, but the Reese's coma is nothing but facts. 

Sunday morning the kids gave me - ok, I took most of their Reese's and I sat and ate them while I drank a Coke and a little bit later I was definitely regretting that breakfast choice. Sugar overload. I won't do that again...until I find some more Reese's. 

Back in the summer, I told the RCC Gang that we were not going to buy store bought costumes this year. Twenty-five to thirty dollars a piece X5 for some janky costume that comes unsewn? Yeah, we ain't doin' that. 

Pinterest was a huge help at helping us come up with ideas. I only had to buy a few things for each kid, and they were something a little more original than Elsa and Spider-Man. (No offense if you had those, I had an Elsa last year)

Our lineup included a deer, a lumberjack, a rodeo clown, a bank robber and Foxy Roxie (a fox).

We went to Goodwill to find suspenders for the boys and we happened to find some very large jeans for Cash's clown costume. I had him try them on for my own entertainment and as soon as he opened the dressing room door, we all busted out laughing. These jeans would fit a grown man, but they were Cash's length!!! Who wore these jeans?! 

We also decided to paint our pumpkins this year instead of carving them. I think they turned out great! Still just as messy, but a lot more colorful! 

After a day full of fifty cent corn dogs, pumpkin painting and trick-or-treating, we had Feet Loaf (foot-shaped meatloaf) at Nanna & Poppa's the next day for Sunday dinner. It was SO good. 

Nanna did real good at making a Goodbye Halloween dinner. Her meatloaf is always the bomb and the foot didn't disappoint. Everybody wanted a toe. These kids ain't right!

So, after three days of candy all day, everything in our house is sticky. Thanks, Roxie. 

I was given a bread machine over the weekend and made my first loaf of homemade bread yesterday! 

Caleb LOVED the bread and has already asked me to make another loaf this morning. 

I'm twelve and a half weeks pregnant now, RCC #6 is the size of a lime. 

I'm getting my energy back and I'm so glad too because this time of year makes me want to decorate, cook and craft everyday! 

Time to make some more bread! 

Happy Tuesday!

XO, Jenn

Friday, October 30, 2015

I Don't Know How You Do It!

Hey y'all! 

Yesterday we had a really great day in Longview. After we did our school, we went to run some errands and visit my dad and nanny. I have realllly been wanting to make a trip to McAlister's, so it was a must for a late lunch. Kids needed pajamas and I wanted to try and find me some maternity jeans. (Halloween is right around the corner and I need "candy room" lol) 

While I was checking out at the store, the lady behind me was smiling and shaking her head. She told me she only had three and didn't know how I did it. (Ha! If she only knew!) I laughed and told her that I lost my sanity a long time ago. Honestly, I was just thinking about that chocolate shake I was going to get from Chick-fil-A as soon as we left there. That'll boost your mood real quick like. 

The question I get asked a WHOLE LOT is "how do you do it?"

I try my best, but sometimes, I'm JUST TIRED. Making a human can be exhausting!

Sometimes I have to decide whether I want to be Crazy Mom and make the kids clean everything they have messed up or just enjoy the day and clean later. 

Sometimes the filth wins. Ok, a lot of the time. 

Sometimes my house looks like somebody broke in and dumped everything we own into the living room floor, pulled every article of clothing out and threw it in the dirty clothes basket (or just directly onto the floor), and smeared ketchup on every single dish and sat them out for display on the counters.  

Sometimes one of your kids takes their boots off and you discover that they're only wearing one sock because you're behind on laundry, their sock drawer is empty, and they couldn't find a mate and just went with it. 

Sometimes you take the sweetest picture of your sleeping babies and then you realize that OF COURSE there's no sheet on the bed because somebody got peanut butter & jelly on them and they're still in the washing machine. (Tip: Just edit that picture to black and white. Winning!)

Sometimes there's no clean sippy cups, so you just let Baby have some of your Coke. (It's cool, it's diet, right?)

Sometimes you lose track of time and Captain Crunch makes for a pretty good supper. 

Sometimes you smell some funky smells in your house and you just add some fresh wax to your Scentsy warmer and call that a start to "cleaning". 

Sometimes one of your daughters gets awfully pouty because those black leggings she needs for church are MIA and she has to wear whatever is clean. (Please tell me there is at least something hanging in your closet!)

Sometimes you look like death warmed over because Baby got into your makeup (again) and you have looked and looked and can't find where she stashed it anywhere! And, where did she put the hairbrush?!

Sadly, this is the way it is sometimes. 

For now. 


I hope. 

Lord, PLEASE let this just be a phase!!!

Remember when your house used to always be clean, you had on a bra and real clothes, and company could pop in at any given moment? ::sigh:: Those were the good old days. 

But actually, my house is FINALLY clean (for now) and it kind of makes me feel like I'm doing a better job. 
Hey, maybe I really do have it all together. 


Yeah right. 

Don't measure your success as a mom and wife by how well you "have it together". Just do the best you can do, love your husband, love those babies, love yourself and you'll be just fine. I promise. 

❤️ Jenn


Monday, October 26, 2015

My 6 Pack!

Hey y'all! I want to share some fabulous news with y'all! 

Almost two months ago, I found out that we were expecting baby #6! 

What?! Six kids! That's a half dozen!

It was such a surprise! I had already decided we were done and happy with our fab five. I say "I" because Mr. Crawley just goes with the flow and is happy with whatever I am happy with. (Thank you for always being that way, Caleb; I truly love that about you.) 

But of course I wanted another. I ALWAYS want another! Not just a baby, though, but another person to add to our family. The more the merrier! 

A whole team of kids isn't for everybody, but it is just right for us! Being a wife to Caleb and a mom to the RCC Gang is who I am. That is how I identify myself. Wife and momma. So, what's one more baby?! Hand it over! I got this. Raising kids, cooking and cleaning. I enjoy it! Not so much the cleaning part, but just being a homemaker and taking care of my crew. THAT is what I love to do! 

I know people think we are crazy. I get it. And we are! Six is a lot. Five was a lot, and so was 4. This is all I have ever wanted and I couldn't be happier to have a huge family. Some moms and dads choose to have 1 or 2. That's cool, that's their prerogative. Then some people have more. That's cool, too. To each their own, right? 

All I can say is that I am beyond blessed and I'm ecstatic to have another precious baby. Some days are hard, but there were hard days when I had only one kid. Heck, there were hard days when I didn't have any kids! 'Tis life. 

Our family rocks and we have a whole lot of fun! It's crazy and chaotic and messy and loud, but it's US! It's OUR family. That's how we do. 

And besides, more kids means they can work as a team and put their funds together to put Momma and Daddy in a nice nursing home one day. So who's the real winners here?! LOL!

XO❤️, Jenn, that crazy lady with all those kids

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sticky Floors and Happy Kids

Today I was sitting in my office at my desk, and when I say office, I mean my laundry room, and when I say desk, I mean the toilet. Yes, there's a toilet in the laundry room (old house, strange things) and I sit on it (lid closed...most of the time) just like its a chair. I was in there doing my 67th load of laundry for the week, when I came across a t-shirt my Nanny had made for me a couple of Mother's Days ago. 

It says "Good moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles and happy kids." 

I sure hope that saying is true because I am drowning in the mess that is our home. 

Over the past week and a half I've had 3 sick babies and then I got sick as well. Yeah, moms don't get sick days. MOMS DO NOT GET SICK DAYS. A mom's sick day is when they lay on the couch in agony and hear their house being destroyed all around them, all the while still having to open the drinks and be a referee and prepare the meals.

A house of seven people goes downhill REAL quick. Like, it's crazy. Now when the mom is feeling puny, whew, that's a new kind of downhill. 

So, I think to myself as I am still cleaning up the aftermath of Sickfest 3000, man, I am living in a whole 'nother level of wild right now. How do these kids make THIS MUCH mess?! Seriously!! The stickers, the crumbs, the wrappers, the crushed cheese balls, it's insane! 

Have you saw this pin on Pinterest?

Do you agree that this is true? I do!

Every few months there's a new food I swear I'll never buy again because of the damage it causes. Over the summer it was those popsicles that come in a box that aren't prefrozen. Let one of those melt in your counter will all your bills, mail and checkbook, it'll be a while before you put those babies back on your shopping list. 

Currently, my list will not have Pop Tarts or Baby Bel cheese on it. Pop Tarts crumble and scatter as soon as that foil package is ripped open. I'm taking a break from those suckers. And the cheese; have you ever bought that kind? It's a great, healthy snack for the kids, but it has this red wax protection on it that is insanely hard to get out of carpet once it's mushed into it. No more of that devil cheese for a while. I need time to recover from the trauma. 

Now my house is about 80% back to normal, well as normal as it gets, and everyone is on the mend. My kids did most of the work and did their fair shares of getting the house back to livable conditions. 

Everyone is clean and tucked in their beds. Stories were read and bellies are full. 

Even though I thought we would have to burn the house down and start over, it always gets better. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Mommas, it's ok if the house gets a little (or a lot) messy, there'll be time for that. That's not our number one priority as women. Take care of your family and take care of YOU. A spotless home isn't what makes a girl a good momma. Happy kids - that is what makes you a good momma! 

I love a clean home just like everyone else, but it's always going to get messed back up. That means people live there and they actually LIVE! Your home isn't a museum, it's a safe place for your people to be themselves. My people happen to be a little sloppy. 

So just enjoy, don't worry, live and let it go. Let that sink of dishwater get cold. Those clothes can sit in the washer for a bit. You can get to that later. Read to the babies, play Legos, listen to the stories they tell. That mess will still be there tomorrow. I promise. 

❤️ Jenn

Friday, August 28, 2015

Bad Things Happen To Good People

Bad things happen to good people. They just do. 

First thing I woke up to this morning, before I even wiped the sleep from my eyes or had my coffee, was a whole pot of leftover soup dumped out. On the carpet. 


Bandits must have broken in here and did this. 

Surely one of my precious angels didn't do this (surely I was delirious). 

As quiet as a church house mouse, Sweet Baby had climbed out of bed and went to work. 

I know it was her because her footed pajamas were smeared with soup and she had Rotel tomatoes in her hair. And let's be honest, who decides to heat up soup for breakfast???

Thanks, Mom, but you can sleep and I'll handle breakfast, you can handle clean up.

See how sweet she is? 

Now let me rewind to yesterday, "Go night night, Roxie. Sweet dreams." 

I laid her down for a nap, but there'd be zero nappage going on. 

She decided that a party would be a better choice. 

It was a poop party. 

Poop all over. 

Poop in her fingernails. 

Poop on her stuffed animals. 

Looked like she was wearing brown leggings - but it was poop. 

You ever had to clean poop off of a spindle crib? It's a chore! 

So, here's a little tip- when you're at Walmart and you see those huge 18-24 month onesies and you think your baby will be too big for onesies at that age, BUY THEM. Buy them all. And as a bonus, you can usually find them on clearance because all the moms think their kid will look like a kindergartener in them. They're right, your tot will look gigantic in them. Who cares? Babies can pull down pants. Babies can take off shorts. Babies can take off bloomers and diaper covers. Babies WILL do that. That's what they do. Snap crotch onesies are a little bit trickier. When it comes to nap time, onesies are a blessing. 

Get 'em. You can thank me later. 

Then after you've had some caffeine and you're your jolly self again, you may find yourself walking through the hallway and notice a pleasant aroma. 

::sniffs hard:: Well, that's a nice change of pace. ::sigh::

Now I'm curious. 

But what is it? That Glade Plug-In has been dried up for weeks now. What is that fabulous smell??? You know cleaning fairies never hit your house, and you're too poor for a maid, so what can it be? 

Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little 2 1/2 foot tall human spraying that new bottle of Windex like its a sport.

On the walls, the toilet, the cabinet, the bathtub, the roll of toilet paper. She was thorough; I'll give her that. 


Give me my Windex! ((Removing it from Baby's death grip)) "Thank ya very much for attempting to clean, but that's a no."

Turns out, Rylie WAS cleaning (thank you, sweetie ::kiss kiss::) and Baby ran off with the bottle. 

Toddlers are quick, y'all. 

Like stealthy midgets. 

Let's just take a moment of silence for the moms of twins. 

((God bless you, Laura.))

But it's not all bad, toddlers bring an unimaginable supply of laughter and happiness to a home! 

Their tiny disasters are all worth it! 

It reminds me of a Dolly Parton quote:

"If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain."

So you're saying toddlers are like rain and the happiness they bring is like the rainbow? Pretty much. 

I try to see the glass as half full, even though the glass is actually empty because Baby dumped that out too. 

Truth is, what would my life be without all the chaos and mayhem? Peaceful, but not what I want. It'd be dull. Boring. Sad. There'd be no fun stories to tell!

My world is loud, messy, crazy and out of control at times. It's not for everyone, but it's just right for me!

God bless this hot mess and the tiny army she has been given. 

Happy Weekend!

❤️ Jenn 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Kids Say Some cRazY Stuff

Hey, everyone! I hope all of y'all are surviving with school being back in session. It's been pretty dang great here at our place- so far. It's still early, so y'all check on me in a few days to make sure the children haven't taken over. (Prayers greatly appreciated) (Seriously, y'all)

I have been looking forward to school (homeschool) starting back. What in the world?! Crazy, I know! I think it's because it's something fresh and new and I've really been needing that. The kids are showing so much improvement already and that inspires me to do better and keep it up. 

Being around kids a lot, you hear some pretty crazy things come out of their mouths. Can I get an amen? So, about 2 years ago I decided to start writing down the silly things they say and funny things that happen in our daily life. 

You know how you think back to a happy time when someone said or did something hilarious and you want to capture that memory? Doing this is ideal for that!

started writing the entries in a composition book, but over time, I have found some stray forgotten quotes from some of my Facebook posts and had to put those in the book too. Now the book is all out of order and it's about as organized as a trunk full of coat hangers. 

I decided I'm going to buy a new book and rewrite all the entries and that will be the "official" copy. Ya know, the ones the kids fight over after I die. Yes, I worry about that sort of thing and I've already told them I don't want them fighting over it after I'm gone and that they can go to Staple's and have copies made. And, yes, they think I'm crazy. 

I found a journal that I'd like to get, but I'm also cheap and am having a hard time shelling out the dinero. 

I am in love with this Kate Spade spiral, but $14? I'm SURE I can find something cheaper. It's what I do, I'm a bargain hunter! 

Oh, what do ya know! I DID find something JUST as cute and WAY cheaper! See why I'm hesitant?

Hello, 88 cent journal! 

found this one in the Back To School section at Walmart and it'll be just fine. It is small (5" x 7", 80 sheets), and I'm not 100% sure of it yet, but we'll see. 

Remmi had to have one too and she has already been busy writing in hers. And all over her skin. (I believe her's was $0.50, but don't quote me on that.)

There are several different types of journals and composition books out this time of year and now is a great time to grab one. You can get a $0.50 book and cover it with some pretty paper and have the same effect as the higher priced books. 

Rylie made this one a long time ago as a Wednesday night church craft. 

It's wild and crazy, but that's how she rolls. 

I saw some super cute ideas on Pinterest that aren't quite as crazy as Rylie's technique. 

If you're not feeling crafty and prefer to buy a journal that's ready to go, I have found some that are just right, and at a few different price points. 

Another Kate Spade journal - $14.00 (Nordstrom)

Kids Say the Darnedest Things Journal - $6.50 (Etsy)

Various books from Walmart's school supply section - $0.17, $0.50, $0.50 

My Quotable Kid Book - $14.95 (Land Of Nod)

And let's not forget pretty pens! These are hands down my favorite pens. I love how they write and I enjoy all the different colors because life is too short to only write in black ink! 

I challenge every single one of y'all to write down the next funny thing that your kid says or does. Save it in the notes section of your phone. You can even just jot it down on a sheet of paper and hang it on the fridge for now. Maybe tuck it in a book and someday when you come across it, it'll bring a smile to your face. It'll be a nice surprise. 

Let's face it, our minds won't last forever and we can only remember so many stories. Leave a happy little treasure for the generations ahead to enjoy. My kids love reading our book and giggling at all the stuff they did. I hope they share ours with their kids and remember that they had a momma who loved them and cherished her time with them. 

Pull out a pencil and get started!

I hope y'all have a wonderful Wednesday!

XO, Jenn❤️

Monday, August 17, 2015

Never Ever Have A Naked Door!

Hey, y'all! Good morning! 

Today I want to share with y'all a wreath I made over the weekend. Ok, actually it was Saturday night. And my cat helped me. You might say, "What in the world?! I didn't know Jennifer was so dang wild"! Yeah, I get crazy. 

My four older babies wanted to stay over at Nanna & Poppa's, so it was just baby and me. And Gus the cat. 

I had cleaned the school room/craft room that day, and it was so nice and tidy that I had to get in there and make something! "Where's the glue gun? Who's had my glue gun"? Anyone else that problem. The kids LOVE making things with my glue gun and it's ALWAYS missing. ::growl:: Back up off my craft stuff! 

I started out by gathering my supplies. 

A straw wreath (leave the plastic on it)
Assorted colors of yarn 
Pinking shears
Glue gun
Glue sticks (I liked to have never found those little invisible suckers)
Pom Pom maker
1/3 yard of the fabric that you want your wreath wrapped in
A scrap of fabric about 22" x 11"
A scrap of fabric about 3" x 5"
Craft Cat (this isn't absolutely necessary, but I can't promise that yours will turn out like mine did if you don't have one)

I promise y'all that this is easy and you don't have to be Crafty McCracterson in order to make this. Having a crafty bone not required!

After I found all my supplies, I took the fabric that I wanted the wreath to be wrapped in and cut it into strips about 3" wide. 

I mean seriously! Look how much help my cat was. "You cut while I hold the fabric still". -Gus

I used pinking shears because I prefer the zig zag look instead of the straight raw edge. After the fabric was cut into strips, I pinned the end of one of the strips into the back of the wreath and began wrapping the fabric around, pulling it pretty tight. 

When the strip of fabric was completely wrapped, I repeated the process and pinned another strip on until the wreath was completely covered. 

You want to be sure that your strip runs out on the backside of the wreath so your pins won't show. You can cut some off if yours aren't ending on the back. 

I got the fabric that I wanted to make the bow out of and glued down the top and bottom seams. Be sure not to use too much glue because you don't want your glue to bleed through to the front side of your fabric. You can put something inside  to protect it if you need to, but don't forget it's in there and glue it up. 

"Yeah, that looks pretty straight to me". 

Then I folded over the outside edges and glued them down just like I did the top and bottom seams. 

Then I got the little scrap of fabric and glued it's side seams down. Don't glue it's top and bottom down until you get it around your other fabric or you'll just end up with a loop and what are you going to do with that??? Nothin'.

Scrunch the middle of your bow part up until it resembles a big bow that your mom used to make you wear. Then wrap the small scrap around it making sure your seams are all facing up. 

Glue the end of the small piece and press down. It's ok if the glue bleeds through here. 

Make 8 pom poms out of your choice of yarn colors. I used 4 different colors and made 2 of each color. Be sure and tie a long piece (24" or so) of yarn around your pom pom so you'll have something to hang it up by. 

(I forgot to take pictures of me making the pom poms because I was trying to hurry and get finished so I could go get an Oreo Blast from Sonic... Ya know how it is.)

I tied all the pom pom strings in a loop knot, so I'd have something to hang the wreath by. Leave about 4" - 7" between the knot and the pom pom. Be sure and vary your lengths so they won't all pile up on each other. 

I cut off the excess yarn from the knot and pinned the knot to the backside of the wreath. And there's your hanger. Don't accidentally cut off your pom poms!

Then I turned the wreath right side up and glued the bow (seam side down) to the wreath. Press down while the glue dries so your bow gets a good hold or you might find your bow out in the yard. 

Tada! All finished! I ALWAYS have something pretty hanging on my doors. I think everyone should! I think it makes your house look more cute and welcoming. 

Now you have an excuse to go to Hobby Lobby! Here's a coupon that is good through Saturday to use on one non-sale item you purchase. 

Now get busy making something pretty to hang on those doors. Happy crafting! 

❤️ Jenn

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Manic Monday Meal

Good morning, y'all! 

Busy school nights are going to be here in about two shakes of a lamb's tail, so that means rushed evenings and quick suppers. 

Kids have homework, sports and we know that laundry and housework don't stop just because school is back in session, so we need to save time where we can and supper is a great thing to save time on! I love to be in the kitchen, but I don't know anyone who wants to be in there slaving over the stove when there is an easier way!

I'm all for fast and easy, but that doesn't mean you have to feed the kids a Wacky Pack. Let's face it, I'm way too cheap for that! Eating away from home can do some damage to a checkbook real quick like! I can think of a bunch of other things I'd rather throw away money on ::daydreams about fall fashion trends::.  And I don't think anybody actually wants to have to feed their family fast food more than they have to. 

A recipe I made last week was one that you will definitely want to throw into your supper rotation. Typically I make pulled pork with this special Red Pepper Jelly (from Mayben's in Pittsburg, Texas) that my sweetest friend Sandy Hooper bought me, but I was all out and really needed to cook the cut of meat I had in the fridge. I pulled a few different ideas from a couple of different recipes and put my own spin on it. 

Here's what I used:

2-3 pound pork shoulder roast
2/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese 
1/2 cup honey
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon garlic powder

[If you get a bigger roast, you may need to double the recipe.]

This is so, so easy! Open your crockpot, drop the meat in, mix up all the ingredients and pour over meat. That's it!

Cover crockpot top with foil before placing lid on top. Cook on low for 5-6 hours. 

When the meat is done, pull all the meat out and place on a plate. Dump the juice from the crockpot into a bowl. Shred meat with a fork, removing fat, dump meat back into crockpot. You can pour some of the juice back in if you find that your meat isn't juicy enough. Sometimes I do this, sometimes I just put barbecue sauce on the meat. 

Serve on hamburger buns, Hawaiian rolls or fresh bread. This is a lot like chopped beef that you get from the barbecue restaurants. You could even pick up some pre-made potato salad and baked beans if you want to lighten your load a bit more. Don't we mommas need that once in a while?! Absolutely!

I hope y'all have an incredible week!

❤️ XO, Jenn

Summer, You Are Dismissed

Picture it: cold, dreary, no sunshine, some girl on Facebook griping about the yucky weather. "Hush your mouth, girl! Soon it'll be nothing but sweat and $400 light bills!"

Remember that? Remember when we thought summer would never get here? ::sigh:: 

 I was totally the one who was begging for summer to hurry up and show its beautiful self. Now guess what? I'm totally over it! And have been for a while now. 

I'm ready for fall and all that it brings! And, duh, you know I'm talking about the clothes and all things pumpkin!

The past few mornings have been a nice teaser for what's to come. The kids and I go out as soon as we get up so we can enjoy some time outside before its unbearably hot. They draw on the porch with chalk, rope the dummy, throw the frisbee, help me water the pumpkins and watermelons, and just do what they do best, run wild. I sit on the bench and sip my coffee...and fight off ants, but that kind of takes away from the nice mental picture. 

This morning it was climbing the tulip tree and shouting, "Hey, Mom! Bring us snacks!"

Can you see all 5 kiddos? Yes, the baby is in the tree like the big kids. 

I'm looking forward to cozy pajamas, soups, spicy candles, lower electric bills (can I get an amen?), and being able to pile on scarves and layering pieces without running the risk of a heat stroke. Just thinking about those things gets me excited! 

Nanny is adding to my excitement by picking me up a few little fall decorations from Hobby Lobby. Have I told y'all that I have the best grandma? 

(FYI: 40% all fall decor right meow)

I may or may not be planning on getting my fall decorations out this weekend...

Today my to do list includes decluttering and scrubbing the school room so we can have a fresh start to the fast-approaching school year. See, doesn't decorating sound so much more fun?

Y'all have a fabulous weekend! Enjoy your family, eat snow cones and cherish the last days of summer break. 

❤️ XO, Jenn 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Find The Gold

What if I told you that when you see me pushing my baby on a park swing, that I am there because I WANT to be and I'm not just killing time or "hoping the kids play hard and get tired so they'll go to bed early"? 

What if I told you I actually ENJOY being in the kitchen and preparing meals for my family instead of just popping a frozen dinner in the oven?

What if I told you that I LIKE waiting on my husband hand and foot and don't mind fixing his plate and refilling his glass of tea for the third time? 

What if I told you that when you see me with all my kids at the store that I have them there with me because I CHOOSE to bring them and I enjoy taking them almost everywhere I go. 

What if I told you that I LOVE when my kids ask me for another book at bedtime and I don't huff and roll my eyes because I'm dying to get to the couch to watch TV?

What if I told you that I don't take my kids to public school or daycare because I don't feel like I need a break from them and that I look forward to spending all the time with them that I can? 

What if I told you that I'm content and happy with sitting home doing dishes, laundry, preparing meals for my family and that trips to town and Sunday mornings are the "big events" of my week? 

don't feel like I am a servant for taking care of my family and putting their needs before my own. That's what makes ME feel like a good wife and momma. 

Now what if YOU told me that you don't like doing any of those things? 

Does that give me the privilege of thinking I'm better at this mom thing than you? Nope. I've got truck loads of issues!

Does that give you the right to assume I'm faking my smiles and happy social media posts? Nope. You can believe it! 

Some of us REALLY are happy doing what we do!

Those happy pictures I post, I don't "do it for the likes" or attention. I truly am happy and I want to share it with the world! I'm sorry if that isn't what you want to hear and it's not what you expected. 

Why is it easy to believe the bad but to be so skeptical of the good?

Just because I don't go on Facebook and tell the world that I've got $1.07 left in the checking account until payday and that I just yelled at my kids for fighting for the 67,456 time while I typed this post, doesn't mean I'm being phony. 

I cuss. I yell. I cry. I embarrass myself. Some days are tremendously hard on me. Those lows are only a drop in the bucket. My joy is never-ending. 

Just because my husband and I get into a huge fight and I don't broadcast it and document it on Instagram doesn't mean I'm hiding my real life.  

As much as I love to share, I still deserve to keep certain aspects of my life where they belong - private. 

Is that what is considered fake, not airing your entire life? Then you can call me fake. 

People will judge and believe what they want. And that's ok! 

Does it hurt my feelings that you think I must be pretending to be someone else if I'm not sharing all the negative events in my life with the world? 


So, if having to tell yourself that I've got plenty of things to hide and that's not the real me makes YOU feel like you're doing better, go right on ahead. 

That's your problem, not mine. 

❤️ Jenn, a mega blessed and happy girl who has tons of struggles and still finds lots of reasons to show a REAL smile