Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Muddy Life And Momma Time

Good drizzly morning to all! Raise your hand if you're over the wet weather? ::raises both hands:: 

Can we get some sunshine a up in here?! My Suburban's black carpet is pretty much brown from all the mud. I stopped by to see my dad and swore to him my car doesn't normally look like that. Hopefully he believed me. I even dreamt Caleb told me to go pick out a new car. Can you tell I really hate for my car to be filthy? It's awful to not have cement to park on. One day. Hopefully one day soon. Lol! The house is a LITTLE easier to keep demuddified (I think I made that word up). I have the kids (ahem, the boys) strip down at the back door and they have a special "muddy basket" that we put the muddy clothes in. Is it normal to have so many mud-caked clothes that you have a designated laundry hamper for it? 

Just a regular day after playing. Want to ask me again how well the homemade laundry detergent works? Have you made yours yet? You need to!

Today my best friend, Laura, is coming over!!! I'm super excited about that. Sometimes as mommas it's hard to schedule time with our friends. We are always planning sleepovers and get togethers for the kids, all the while moms like to hang with their friends too! I'm not one to feel that if I don't get a day away from the kids I'm going to lose it, I'm quite accustomed to the chaos, but I do miss adult conversation. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all the fun conversations about Legos and American Girl dolls, but Momma needs to be able to laugh about life with her friends once in a while! It's good for us!

My bestest friend, LO. The one who reminds me to tone my crazy down before people start to notice. 

Something that Laura and I do to be able to spend time together, even when life is crazy busy, is to hang out on Wednesday evenings before church. Even though we don't go to the same church together anymore, we still go to bible study together. We hold each other accountable and make sure we stay tuned in. After she picks her crew up from school (she has 4), they come straight to my house and we get the fun started. We let the kids run around like wild Indians while we sit around and cackle like hens. We laugh about EVERYTHING and I LOVE it. Yep, you guessed it, and the kids get muddy. 

Last time Caleb had to go get them from the back forty. They couldn't hear two mommas yelling for their kids to come in?! Now we know to call them in WAY in advance so they'll have time to clean up before its time to leave for bible study. 

"Y'all get all that mud stomped off before you go into church!" 

I challenge you to pick up the phone and call or text your friends and make your own momma friend time! Don't put it off, do it today! You know they'd love to see you and we could all use the laughter. Plan to meet up one morning at the coffee shop and chat a while, have lunch together, meet and walk a few laps around the park before grocery shopping, get pedicures together, take a stroll through the downtown shoppes before its time to pick kids up from school or just meet up with all the kids and eat McDonald's for supper. Just roll with the punches and make it happen! Happy moms are better moms! Remember that. 

So what will you be doing today? After schooling the RCC Gang and doing some muddy laundry, I'll working on my laugh lines and belly laughing with LO. Sounds like a pretty good day to me! 

Happy hump day!


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