Saturday, November 8, 2014

God and Grub

Heh heh hello! Heh heh hello!  (That was a rap just in case you weren't sure how to read that.) I'm pretty pumped up this morning! Date night tonight!! What what! Y'all know we NEVER get date nights. Never ever. I think we've had, like, MAYBE 3 since Roxie was born last September. Caleb likes to be at home. I usually beg him to take me out, and he always talks me into cooking at home and staying in. He says he eats at restaurants all week long while he's out of town working, so when he comes home, he wants home-cooked food. (That makes me feel good.) :: sigh:: Ok, fine. But not tonight! We goin out!! And when I say 'out', that means Chili's and a show. Hey, I think I'm pretty easy to please! My inlaws will be watching the RCC Gang tonight, so y'all keep the inlaws in y'all's prayers. Seriously. Lol jk! ;)

Vroom vroom! My inlaws are some pretty cool cats.

I spent most of my day yesterday doing laundry and rocking babies that didn't feel so hot. Roxie had thrown up (right in the middle of our bed) the night before last and Rem woke up yesterday feeling puny. Nobody else felt bad and they're back up to 110% today and bouncing off the walls. Already. We also watched Moms' Night Out yesterday. If you haven't saw it yet, go to Redbox and get it! It's grool. (By the way, if you don't know what grool means, rent Mean Girls while you're at it.) It was such a funny show and appropriate for the whole family. That's a huge bonus! While watching it, you see all these frazzled moms and you're like, "Yep, I'm that one! No, she's even more of a mess, I'm that one!" Totally relatable movie and I highly recommend it. Also, they mention God (several times) and they all go to church! Pretty awesome, right?!

Now speaking of church, I [STRONGLY] feel families need to be in church. We need our armor. God's word is our armor! I was not raised going to church every Sunday and look how I turned out. Lol! That was a joke, y'all! Although we didn't always go to church, I knew that my Nanny was a good, Christian woman who loved and worshipped God. I'm thankful for that. Caleb was raised up in church and I'm dearly grateful he was. If it wasn't for his momma staying on us to go to church while we were dating, I'm not sure we'd be where we are today. So thank you to Nanny & Kelley. ::tips invisible hat:: If you want to start bringing your family to church, but you're too shy, don't know where to go, or your husband doesn't want to join you, that's ok! Come to Crossroads Baptist Church! It's a picturesque little white church with a pretty cool preacher who will make you laugh, but who also speaks the Truth! C'mon! You can sit with me! [Send me an email ( or message me on Facebook if you're interested.] I NEED God in my life, y'all! For real! I lose my mind (and my temper) on the daily. I am beyond thankful for God's grace and forgiveness. And also Caleb's since he's the one who is so lucky to have to put up with me and my mouth. God changes people and I have seen his handiwork with my own two eyes. Let Him change you, too! Now if you don't believe all that and you don't want to hear it, all I can say is, hell is hot, y'all. I'm just teasin' and playin'. A little. ;) 

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it's time to start digging up some good recipes! I swear, I look forward to food WAY too much. I want to make good, make that great, stuff and I want my babies to remember how fab their Momma's kitchen skills were. I always tell my boys, marry a girl who loves God, treats you good, and wants to learn how to cook. They just laugh and think that's gross. Good. Rylie shows so much interest in cooking and that makes me very happy! She also keeps asking for me to teach her how to do laundry and that makes me even happier lol! Raising these kids right! 

Cash and Rowdy cooking homemade tortillas. 

Rylie sewing little pouches for the other kids. 

I'm always pinning good stuff on Pinterest, so go follow me and get some good ideas to whip up and impress your crew. 

I hope I inspired y'all to rock that momma life and enjoy the day that The Lord has made! Happy Saturday, y'all! 

❤️ Jennifer

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